Thrifty and Safe: How to Make Homemade First Aid Kit

If you’re wondering about the proper way how to make a homemade first aid kit, there here we’ve got you covered. Here are simple steps on how to create a perfect child safety kit.

It is a vital role for each parent and guardian to keep his or her child safe. Knowing how to make a child safety kit as a parent is a proper safety measure to aid you in tracing your child when a child goes missing.

How to Make Homemade First Aid Kit

Though no parent or guardian wishes to anticipate unsafe happening to their child, it is essential always to be ready for unexpected events.

So, what is a child safety kit?

A child safety kit can be defined as an information packet that contains identification details about a child. It is a preemptive measure that helps one find a child when a child goes missing.

 It is an essential tool for parents to have in their custody as it is useful in situations of child abduction. A child safety kit contains the up to date information such as eye color, weight, blood type, DNA a child’s height, among other identity details.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is a collection of essential medical supplies and equipment designed to provide immediate care and treatment for minor injuries and medical emergencies. These kits are typically used in homes, workplaces, schools, vehicles, and during outdoor activities to address common injuries or medical situations until professional medical help can be sought.

The contents of a first aid kit may vary depending on its purpose, size, and the specific needs of the individuals who might use it. However, a basic first aid kit usually includes items such as:

Adhesive bandages (various sizes): Used to cover and protect small cuts and wounds.

Sterile gauze pads and adhesive tape: For dressing larger wounds and securing them in place.

Antiseptic wipes or solution: Used to clean and disinfect wounds to prevent infection.

Antibiotic ointment or cream: Helps to prevent infection and promote healing in minor wounds.

Pain relievers (e.g., acetaminophen or ibuprofen): To alleviate minor aches and pains.

Antihistamine tablets: For allergies or insect bites.

Tweezers and scissors: For removing splinters or cutting bandages and tape.

Disposable gloves: To protect the person providing first aid from potential exposure to bodily fluids.

Instant cold packs: Used to reduce swelling and pain in sprains and strains.

Cotton balls and swabs: For wound cleaning or applying ointments.

Thermometer: To measure body temperature.

Elastic bandages and triangular bandages: For supporting sprained or strained limbs and creating slings.

Safety pins: For securing bandages or creating slings.

Sterile eyewash or saline solution: For flushing foreign objects or irritants from the eyes.

CPR face shield or pocket mask: Used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation to protect the rescuer from direct contact with the person’s mouth and nose.

Emergency contact numbers: A list of important phone numbers, including emergency services and personal contacts.

First aid manual or instructions: To guide users in providing basic first aid.

How to Make a Homemade First Aid Kit

Making a homemade first aid kit is a practical and cost-effective way to ensure you have essential supplies readily available in case of minor injuries or emergencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create your own homemade first aid kit:

Select a Suitable Container

Choose a sturdy and waterproof container to store your first aid supplies. A plastic or metal box with a tight-fitting lid works well. You can also use a backpack or a pouch with compartments for easy organization.

Gather Essential Supplies

Stock your first aid kit with essential supplies to handle common injuries and medical situations. Here’s a list of basic items you may include:

1. Adhesive bandages in various sizes

2. Sterile gauze pads and adhesive tape

3. Antiseptic wipes or solution (e.g., hydrogen peroxide or alcohol wipes)

4. Antibiotic ointment or cream

5. Pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen

6. Antihistamine tablets (for allergies)

7. Tweezers and scissors

8. Disposable gloves

9. Instant cold packs

10. Cotton balls and cotton swabs

11. Thermometer

12. Elastic bandages (for sprains and strains)

13. Triangular bandages (for slings or immobilization)

14. Safety pins

15. Sterile eyewash or saline solution

16. CPR face shield or pocket mask

17. Emergency contact numbers and a first aid manual or instructions

Personalize Your Kit

Consider the specific needs of your family members or individuals who will use the first aid kit. For example, if someone has allergies or chronic medical conditions, include necessary medications or medical equipment like an EpiPen.

Check Expiry Dates

Regularly check and replace items with expired dates or items that have been used. It’s crucial to have fresh and effective supplies in your first aid kit.

Add Additional Items

You might need to add extra items depending on your activities and environment. For example, if you frequently engage in outdoor activities, consider adding blister pads, insect repellent, sunscreen, or a small flashlight.

Keep the Kit Accessible

Place your homemade first aid kit in a location that is easily accessible to everyone in the household. Make sure everyone knows where it is stored and how to use its contents.

First Aid Instruction

Include basic first aid instructions or a first aid manual in your kit. This will help you handle situations more effectively and with confidence.

Periodic Maintenance

Check your first aid kit regularly to ensure that all items are in good condition and nothing has expired. Replenish any supplies that have been used or are close to expiration.

Remember that a homemade first aid kit is best suited for minor injuries and basic medical needs. For serious medical emergencies, always seek professional medical help immediately.

How to Create a Child Safety Kit

A safety kit for your child is useful as it acts as a precaution to help law enforcement officers trace a child easily when a child goes missing. Coming up with a DIY safety kit for your child at home is a simple task.

You will need the following tools for you to make your child safety kit successful:

1. A measuring tape

2. Small envelopes and one large one

3. A pen to use to record the child’s details

4. Weighing scale

5. A flash drive which can be optional

6. Have a stapler with you

7. A printable identification details of the child on a sheet

8. Nail clippers

9. About 3 to 4 cotton swabs that have one end removed

10. An inkless fingerprint pad

11. Have isopropyl alcohol to be used for cleaning the nail clippers

After you finish gathering all the necessary tools, you can then begin recording the details of your child. The steps below will help you know how to make a child safety kit:

1. Write the Details of Your Child and Important Information

You can write the following important information on the envelope that you have:

1. Name of your child

2. The date of birth

3. Gender

4. Weight

5. Height

6. Ethnicity

7. Eye and hair color

8. Emergency Contact

9. Current address

2. Take a Picture of Your Child

A picture of your child is an important thing when you are making a safety kit. In case you do not have your child’s picture, you can photograph your child.

And you need to ensure that the photo is in good color and not also burred. You can then print a copy of this photo on a high-quality piece of paper.

3. Record your child’s DNA

Home DNA collection for your child may be complex and sometimes inaccurate, but you can collect the following simple DNA samples of your child; saliva, hair, and nail clippings.

Using the sterilized swab, you can rub it inside your kid’s cheek and obtain a sample of the saliva. You can then put the swab in a well-labeled envelope then seal it well.

You can obtain your child’s hair by brushing the child’s hair using a clean brush, and you can then collect samples of the hair that remains on the brush.

You then have to place the collected hair in an envelope; it is important not to overhandle the hair as it can cause contamination. When you finish, staple the envelope to remain closed.

Nail clipping is another simple DNA sample you can obtain. To collect the nail clippings, you have to clean well the nail clippers and sterilize them through rubbing using isopropyl alcohol.

Let the clippers dry well, and then you can begin trimming your child’s nails as you let the clippings fall to the envelope.

It would be best if you did not handle the nail clippings using your bare hands to cause contamination. Finally, staple the envelope and close it well.

4. Obtain Your Child’s Fingerprint

When taking your child’s fingerprint, it is essential to use an ink pad and a piece of paper and then take the fingerprint. You have to begin by pressing your child’s fingers on the thumbprint and then against the piece of paper.

You have to be careful not to roll your child’s fingers as this can make the fingerprint smudge and become unclear. After collecting, you will need to clearly label which finger the fingerprint belongs and keep it in an envelope.

5. Record Your Child’s Medical Information

Recording your child’s necessary medical records is essential as this aids investigative authorities help tracing the child in case the child goes missing. You can have the details, for instance, sensory issues, allergies, and rebellious behaviors.

Moreover, you should pay close attention to the special needs and the sensitive section of your child. It would also help if you were mindful of any medication your child may need while in the hands of authorities.

Storing a Child’s Safety Kit

After compiling all the needed information about your child, you can now move to the final stage of storing them.

There are various ways you can store your child’s safety kit, including storing it in a locked box, is the best way. When storing, ensure that all the details are well labeled.

Moreover, you can digitize the child safety worksheet and the photo by using a PDF scanning method. You can then save the files on a flash drive. In case you also have access to other relevant details, for instance, medical information from the doctor, you can include them.


Q: Why do I need a homemade first aid kit?

A: A homemade first aid kit is a great way to be prepared for unexpected injuries or emergencies. It can also be customized to your specific needs, which can be particularly helpful if you or a family member has any allergies or medical conditions.

Q: What should I include in my homemade first aid kit?

A: There are several items you should consider including in your first aid kit, such as bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, antiseptic wipes or solutions, pain relievers, allergy medication, and a thermometer. You may also want to include items specific to your needs, such as an EpiPen or insulin if you have allergies or diabetes.

Q: How do I choose a container for my first aid kit?

A: You can choose any container that is sturdy and has enough space to hold all of the items you want to include. A plastic container with a snap-on lid or a small, soft-sided bag are both good options.

Q: How often should I check and update my first aid kit?

A: It’s a good idea to check your first aid kit at least once a year and replace any expired items or items that have been used. You may also want to check it after a particularly active season or if you’ve used it for an injury.

Q: Where should I store my first aid kit?

A: Your first aid kit should be stored in a dry, cool place that is easily accessible in case of an emergency. A kitchen pantry, bathroom cabinet, or hallway closet are all good options. Just be sure to keep it out of reach of small children.

Q: Should I take a first aid course before assembling a homemade first aid kit?

A: While it’s not necessary to take a first aid course before assembling a homemade first aid kit, it can be helpful to have some knowledge of basic first aid techniques. You can find free online resources or take a course in person or online to learn more.


Knowing how to make a homemade first aid kit is a simple thing that any parent or guardian can do. You will need to follow the right procedure, and you will have all the details about your child safely kept.

With all the information about your child on the kit, you are sure to trace your child easily when the unexpected happens. You will supply the information on the safety kit to the investigative authorities, which will aid them in tracing your child.

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